Heavy metal cooking show Headbanger’s Kitchen hosted by Demonic Resurrection frontman Demonstealer releases a new episode featuring Australian Prog-Rockers Karnivool. The show, features the creation of a dish aptly titled Chicken ‘Karni’ Stew along with an Indian rice pankcake known as Appam. The band was interviewed after their concert in India and share their experience of their India visit as well as discuss their plans for the next album.
“It was quite an honor for me to interview Karnivool and I’m a big fan of their music especially the ‘Sound Awake‘ album. The dish as well was a challenge for me given that I only cook Indian food when I have international artists on the show so for about a week prior to the filming I was trying to master the art of making Appams and let me tell you it was definitely a challenge.” said Demonstealer.